SYC Offshore Series 2021 NHC

Sussex Yacht Club

Results are final as of 10:23 on October 11, 2021

Start HC (Handicap) as shown in the Series Summary (above) is initially based on the RYA published list or the final HC from the previous 2020 Offshore Series. Start HC in the individual races (below) is the HC actually applied to that race. New HC is always the current calculated HC and will be applied to the next race to be sailed.

A yacht will only be counted as competing in the Offshore Series if it enters at least two races. The results of the Royal Escape will be included in the overall series but only for those Yachts which compete in the Series.

R5 Nab Tower - NHC Fleet - 19/09/21 at 09:00

Start: NHC, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 09:00
Rank Fleet Boat Class Sail number Skipper Start HC New HC Finish Elapsed Corrected Points
1 NHC BoJangles J105 GBR 9407T Derek Copeman 0.987 0.994 20.47.29 11:47:29 11:38:17 1.0
2 NHC Zebedee Hanse 342 GBR 1523L Miles Mayall 0.969 0.971 21.11.54 12:11:54 11:49:13 2.0
3 NHC Delfina Beneteau First 34.7 GBR 4115L Justin Barber 1.031 1.026 20.51.27 11:51:27 12:13:30 3.0
4 NHC Devils Advocate Beneteau First 45f5 K 666T Dave Ramus 1.070 1.065 20.25.51 11:25:51 12:13:52 4.0

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.29.0